Outgoing Students

Every semester, AERI publishes calls for Academic Mobility Programs, offering scholarships that subsidize food and accommodation expenses for studies at partner HEIs.

Students must meet the requirements of each call for applications, providing clear and precise information through the forms and documents required for the selection process.

It is the student's responsibility to:

  • Identify, among the universities in agreement with UEFS, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) of interest;
  • Comply with the requirements established by CONSEPE Resolution 66/2016, CONSEPE Resolution 16/2015 and CONSEPE Resolution 17/2015;
  • Observe and carefully complete the following documents, found on the AERI website:
  • Application Form
  • Study Plan
  • Teacher's letter of recommendation

In addition to these documents, students must submit a Work Plan at the time of registration, in which they detail, in their own words, the motivation and justification for the exchange proposal.

The candidate must also gather all the documents required in the public notices (such as transcripts, a Lattes Curriculum Vitae, a statement of workload percentage, photos and a current registration form) and send them to AERI (in good time for processing, according to the published timetables).

After the application has been selected and approved, sent to the destination HEI, and upon receipt of the letter of acceptance, the student must arrange tickets, passport, visa and insurance.

Upon returning, the student must submit all the documentation required by the CONSEPE resolutions (as indicated above) to the Division of Academic Affairs (DAA) for the purpose of making use of studies, as well as a report on the activities carried out to the AERI.

Outgoing Students